A scientific symposium entitled (Sufism in the Maghreb)

The Heritage and Manuscript Investigation Unit at the Faculty of Arts, in cooperation with the Continuing Education Division in the Central Library and the Kassanzan Cultural Council in Basra, held a scientific symposium entitled (Sufism in the Arab Maghreb) on Monday 30/5. The symposium was attended by the Director of the Cultural Council and the great poet Hani Abu Mustafa and other members of the Council The Director of Continuing Education and Library staff, and the symposium lecture was delivered by Professor Dr. Tawfiq Al-Hajjaj, Director of the Heritage and Manuscripts Investigation Unit.

The symposium dealt with many topics, including: the historical roots of Sufism in the Islamic East and the Maghreb, the most important scholars of Sufism in Islam, especially in the Maghreb, the political role of Sufi sheikhs in the Maghreb and their relationship with the Almoravid and Almohad state
After the lecture ended, the attendees were given time for interventions and discussion, and then the Director of the Kazanzan Cultural Council, Dr. Qusay, the respected, presented a shield of thanks and appreciation to Dr. Tawfiq Al-Hajjaj.