Archiving electronic messages and theses project between the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine and the secretariat of the Central Library

A delegation from the al-Abbas's  holy shrine visited the central library of the University of Basra on Sunday On October 16, 2022, they were received by the Secretary-General of the Library, Mr. Ali Muhair Karim, and Mrs. Suad Naim Abdul-Sayed, the administration Unit Manager and the Official of the Automated Systems Unit, Engineer Walid Bashir. The project included ways of joint scientific cooperation between the Digital Information Center of theal-Abbas's  holy shrine and the electronic archiving department of the Library according to an advanced system for converting. The laser discs are converted to a calculator program and re-copied old discs to preserve them from damage and the possibility of borrowing them and provide what is needed to serve the beneficiaries of students and researchers.