Education announces the availability of 20 French research scholarships for full-time teaching staff
The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research announces the availability of twenty research grants granted by the French government to teachers who hold a doctorate degree for the purpose of developing capacities, exchanging experiences and conducting joint scientific research for a period of (6-12 months) that cannot be extended and without a marital accompaniment.
The Department of Missions and Cultural Relations clarified the following determinants:
1- Teachers wishing to apply for the above scholarship should apply via the electronic link of the Department of Scholarships and Cultural Relations (https://bethaat.scrdsystem.org).
2- Applicants for the above link must register on the link of the Research and Development Department (https://fellowship.rdd.edu.iq/welcome.php) and any submission otherwise will be neglected.
3- The French side bears the following:
▪️ Monthly salary (500) euros.
▪️ One-time round trip ticket.
▪️ Social Security Alimony (BCS).
4- The CV should be filled out and submitted in French or English (C.V.) and according to the form attached in the link (europass.eu).
5- For more detailed information, please see the link: (www.campusfrance.org/en).
6- The candidacy shall be in accordance with Instructions for Academic Sabbaticals No. 162 of 2009 and the controls for research grants for full-time teaching teachers issued by No. 17512 on 11/7/2019 and its amendments issued by No. 20538/PO Box on 6/18/2023.
The Scholarships Department set the maximum date for submission of experienced and qualified teachers who meet the conditions and controls and who are fluent in French or English is 7/18/2023.
Department of Media and Government Communication
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
June 23, 2023