Scientific symposium entitled (The political and educational role of Mr. Ahmed Khan in India)

Under patronage the secretary general of the central library it was held the Indian corner unit in cooperation with continuing education section in central library on Sunday 26-11-2023 a scientific seminar entitled (the role of mr Ahmed Khan political and educational in India)the lecturers Assiss prof Dr Sabla Talal Yaseen  from collage of Arts history department and assiss lecturer Mr Samir Mohammed Jasim from central library with presence a large number of students from the college of Arts. The seminar was about life of mr Ahmed khan political and educational in India. He is considered one of pioneers of modern reform in India ,he founded the Mohammadian association then Alikra school which turned into a university later , the seminar talked about several topics 
Tje first axis: the role of mr Ahmed khan very important in educated Muslims in India by the association which he founded on the ninth of January in 1863.
The second axis founded Islamic Alikra school in India on the twenty fourth of March 1875 he wanted to graduate men to life some of them hold in science in one hand and in wisdom with the other one.
The third axis: Mr Ahmed khan travels to England in 1869 he was studying the way of studying ther and said those who want to reform India should transfer sciences , literature and European Arts into Urdu language. The scientific a seminar concluded that mr Ahmed khan wanted to learn Muslims eastern and western culture without fanaticism or rigidity. Paying attention to student ś social lives find housing in it that protects them from the evils and corruptions of the cities. The meaning of collage system is that promoting mind,cultivating body and refinement of character.