A scientific workshop entitled (The mechanism of work of the central library and introducing historical sources and how to benefit from them in writing graduation research)

under supervision of secretary of the central library dr Thukra Mohammed college of Arts in Basrah university in cooperation with international corner in central library a scientific workshop entitled (how the central library works and introducing historical sources and how to use from it in writing graduation research) on Tuesday 28_11_2023
Workshop which the lecturers dr Naaema Lateef Abdullah and assiss professor Taghreed Khshan Faleh with attendence group of students third stage /college of Arts History department explanation of how to use it in writing research. 
The workshop aims to define the library and it's departments to the students, mr Ihsan Khudur Obaid in explain all details about how ro get on Arabic, English, sources, magazines and documents electronic or paper elc,,,, in addition to presentation presented by the staff of international corner unit to define units library, activities, courses which be in it