Scientific symposium entitled (A historical reading of Indian civilization and heritage)

Indian corner unit established lecture entitled ( ahistorical reading of indias civilisation and heritage ) with acooperation of continuing education division in centeral library on tuesday which presented by lecturar Mr.Hashim Hameed Hamoody.
teaching at basrah studies center and arabian gulf , a large number attended of centeral library staff , It focussed on several axes :
first axes general talk about Indias civilisation and its differentbreligions ,customs and traditions.
second axes talk about the most important historical events in India as a consider the center of civilisations in the world contemporary of the civilisation of the China,Egypt,Assyria,Babylon and Persia .
Its civilisation extended to more than three million years BC. India has witnessed progress in several fields in agriculture , philosophical science and theology .
and in the third axes he highlighted the spread of Islam in India and the role of Arabs and muslims through merchants and their leading role in the spread of the Islamic religion and Islamic civilisation , which resukted of more than a hundred million people conversion to Islam . So Islam has left a bright imprint on the Indian peninsual till this day. 
