Digital Information Centre which follow Itellectual and cultural Affairs in Abbasid Threshold have honoured General secretariat of Central Library dr Iman Shamkhi Jabber and the staff whom evaluate the work of sub- Libraries of colleges and Centres of University of Basrah according to scientific and professional procedures, for competition this procedures put from behalf central Library in University of Basrah to select the best three Libraries. The members of panels made visit to the college’s Libraries to know their work and give services to beneficiaries and researchers. The aim from this activities to encourage Libraries and information and support the scientific movement in Iraq , to give the best for researchers and professors in Iraqi universities and for all students, the result from this competition firstly college of law Library winner , secondly college of fine Arts Library and thirdly college of Engineering Library. Winning colleges honoured in celebrating was made by Abbasid Threshold, as well as they honoured the members of panel in Central Library.