May God magnify our reward and your wages on the anniversary of the martyrdom of Abba Al-Ahrar

In memory of the martyrdom of Abi-Alahrar (the father of freemen) Husayn ibn Ali (peace be upon him) in the 10th of Muharram Ul Haram, the Central Library Administration of Basrah University represented by the custodian of the library Dr. Tawfeeq Alhajaj, its administration and affiliates offer the deepest condolences and consolations to Messenger Muhammad, his honoured family, the awaited Mahdi (may God hasten his relief), all believing men and women, and all Muslim men and women to the big injury praying God to raise the epidemic from us and you and grant us intercession on the Day of the Hereafter.

May God reward you in memory of the martyrdom of Abi-Alahrar (the father of freemen) Husayn ibn Ali (peace be upon him), his honoured family and companions, may God's blessings be upon them.