The Prime Minister, Mr. Muhammad Shia'a Al-Sudani, received the President of the University of Basra, Dr. Saad Shaheen Hammadi, and the rest of the university presidents and the advanced staff at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, in the presence of His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research.
His Excellency indicated that higher education was the sector most affected during wars, siege, the occupation phase, security conditions and the fight against terrorism, indicating the importance of education and its connection to the benefits of all fields and sectors, and its role in building society and the individual.
And his country indicated that the priorities of the government program, which are based on a realistic reading of the needs of citizens, still need to support education, in all its joints and plans, referring to the National Strategy for Education for the years (2022-2031), which needs implementation mechanisms that bring it into reality.
His Excellency diagnosed the problem of the inadequacy of the outputs of higher education to the needs of the labor market, and the lack of need for some majors that constitute a burden on the state, while there are new and innovative professions that require qualification for their practice and investment, and he also stressed the need to focus on the specializations that our economy and institutions need, and that universities turn into an arena for solutions. Real problems and systems development in the field of governance, and solving the problem of expansion and exceptions that negatively affected scientific sobriety.
Mr. Al-Sudani stressed the importance of developing staff and setting real tests that determine the correct eligibility, and keeping the educational institution away from political pressures. He also stressed the need for the system of academic promotions not to be limited to publishing research, but rather to realistic conferences that attract initiatives and activities, as well as the need to benefit from scholarship students by placing them in their correct places, which achieve the desired benefit from their scholarship.
His Excellency also listened to a brief explanation of the ministry's plan to improve the educational reality, as well as the proposals and visions of a number of university presidents.